Investor Relations Policy

Strategic objectives

BankNordik’s Investor Relations department seeks to perform its duties to the highest investor relations standards in order to promote liquidity and fair pricing of BankNordik shares.

The overall purpose of the BankNordik Investor Relations department is to inform and communicate about the Group openly and in a timely manner with shareholders, creditors, analysts and other stakeholders. This is in accordance with legal requirements and based on standards and recommendations on corporate governance from relevant organizations.

Responsibilities and organisation

The Executive Board is responsible for ensuring that an investor relations department is established. The Department head is responsible for ensuring that the Group complies with the investor relations policy.

The Investor Relations function is responsible for communicating information from and about the capital markets to BankNordik’s Executive Board, to assist the Executive Board in keeping the Board of Directors informed and generally to act as a sounding board to the entire organization. The Investor Relations department has access to and receives support from the Group's senior management in performing these tasks.


The Group's senior management and the Head of the Investor Relations department are authorized to act as spokespersons to communicate with capital market participants.

Publication of financial reports and other information

As a listed company, BankNordik publishes its financial statements and other company announcements in accordance with statutory requirements. Immediately after the publication of financial statements or other major news and events that are likely to affect the share price, we upload the financial reports or other company announcements in question together with additional relevant information on the Bank's website.

Target groups

BankNordik proactively maintains relations with certain institutional investors to ensure that the Group has a stable and diversified investor base. We also strive to achieve satisfactory coverage by relevant analysts.

Events and meetings with investors and analysts

The Investor Relations department manages BankNordik’s relations with investors and analysts, including by organizing road shows, investor meetings, meetings with selected groups and individuals through telephone and email. We respond to questions from stakeholders, always provided doing so does not involve disclosure of inside information. When we are asked to review drafts of analysts’ reports, we limit our comments to the following:

  • to correct factual historical information
  • to draw attention to publicly available information
  • to discuss general issues that may affect the underlying assumptions
  • to discuss topics that are not material

Silent period

For a period of three weeks prior to the planned publication of quarterly reports (the so-called "silent" period) we will not comment or discuss matters relating to our financial performance in general or our outlook.

Annual General Meeting

Shareholders are welcomed to speak, submit questions and exercise influence by voting at the Group's Annual General Meeting.


This policy was last updated in January 2018

Dividend Policy

BankNordik targets an ordinary dividend of 20-40% of net profit and conducts share buy-backs to optimize its capital structure.

Remuneration Policy

The remuneration policy reflects BankNordik's objectives of good governance and supports its ability to recruit, develop and maintain high-performing employees. 

Corporate Governance

A strong governance framework facilitates responsible corporate management and safeguards the interest of the Group's stakeholders

Corporate Responsibility

Corporate responsibility is an important part of BankNordik's objective to create long-term value for its stakeholders.